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Ever since I transferred, I've made long-lasting relationships that have challenged me to become a better person. I truly feel that EC is my home away from home with people who care about me.

  • Samantha
  • Towson University


Towson University

What do you love about Eastern Christian School?
I love Eastern Christian’s community. Community is a word you hear a lot around EC, but that is because it is so true. Even on my shadow day, I felt surrounded by genuine people who share Christ’s love. Ever since I transferred, I’ve made long-lasting relationships that have challenged me to become a better person. I truly feel that EC is my home away from home with people who care about me. 

Describe one of your favorite teachers and tell why he/she is a favorite.
There are many teachers I dearly love at EC, but one really stands out to me: Mrs. Heerema. I am blessed to have two classes with her every day. Mrs. Heerema has shown me the power of personal testimony. She shares experiences that compliment the lesson and transform textbook information into real life situations. Mrs. Heerema has given me advice and become a mentor to me. Her boldness in her faith and her testimony has encouraged me to become a more active Christian.

In what ways have you grown in your faith as a result of your experience at Eastern Christian School?
Before I came to EC, my faith was, for the most part, in name-only. I got involved in Anchored, a girls Bible study, and started sitting in the front of the room during chapel. At EC I got to invest into my faith, dig deeper and ask hard questions in a safe, comfortable environment. I also was able to go on a missions trip with EC through Touch The World to India. This strengthened my faith and showed me what pure joy in Christ looks like. As a result of my experiences, my nominal faith has blossomed into a passion. 

The Eastern Christian tagline is “Engaging. Nurturing. Transforming.” How did you experience an education that is engaging, nurturing and transforming at EC?
In every class I’ve taken, my teachers have been engaging. They encourage us to learn new things, and challenge us to think on another level. EC is a nurturing environment where teachers and faculty are supportive and meet you where you are. I was transformed into a better person from my schooling at EC, and am grateful for the engaging, nurturing teachers who have helped me. 

How do you feel that EC prepared you for graduation, college and life? 
EC has prepared me by teaching me how to think through complicated situations, how to lead organizations such as the National Honors Society, and how to have a good work ethic. I’ve learned to take the positives out of every situation and to make the most of friendships. Most importantly, I’ve learned to be bold in my identity as a Christian and as a person, and to stand up for my opinions and beliefs. 

What would you say to a high school student considering joining Eastern Christian School?
I would tell a prospective student that at Eastern Christian you will find a family. You will have access to programs like Humanities, STEAM, and WINGS where you can pursue your interests while learning. You will be surrounded by staff members who genuinely care about you and will help you succeed. EC is more than a school, it’s an environment where you can thrive. 

What opportunities did you experience at EC that you don’t think you would have gotten to experience anywhere else? 
I am a part of the WINGS program at EC. I get to volunteer at Hackensack University Medical Center under five certified child life specialists (CCLS) Their job is to help children and their families cope with long term illness or disability through play. I had my own child life specialist when I underwent treatment for Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Meghan Shine, my CCLS, impacted my life so much that I want to help other children like she helped me. Through the WINGS program, I am able to work with Meghan every week and I’m so thankful for Mr. Wright and the WINGS program for getting me connected and allowing me this amazing opportunity that would have never been possible elsewhere.

Coming to EC is one of the best decisions that my family and I have ever made.

  • Adelina
  • Wheaton College


Wheaton College

What do you love about Eastern Christian School?
There are so many things I love about the warm, nurturing environment that EC has provided me with for the last 10 years of my life.  I love the way that teachers invest in their student’s lives and pray for their futures. I also love the fact that, at EC, you can be involved in as many activities as you want.  At other schools it would be nearly impossible to be seriously invested in a music program, student government, and three seasons of sports, but at EC this kind of thing happens all the time.

Describe one of your favorite teachers and tell why he/she is a favorite.
One of my favorite teachers is Mrs. Lindemulder, who teaches Spanish and French.  Mrs. Lindemulder is one of the sweetest human beings on the face of the earth. All of her students are known to her as “beloved” and “dearest.”  If you are showing any symptoms of a cold, Mrs. Lindemulder has been known to very sweetly and quietly brew you a cup of tea and place it on your desk.  As a language teacher, Mrs. Lindemulder encourages students to fully engage in the culture they are studying. Everyone’s favorite way of doing this is by learning to cook traditional Spanish and French meals from one of the world’s best cooks— Mr. Lindemulder.  I went on one of her famous spring break trips to France and Italy my junior year had an absolutely marvelous time exploring the world with such a kind and engaging women.

In what ways have you grown in your faith as a result of your experience at Eastern Christian School?
One of my science teachers, Ms. Bazanowski, has been such an example of faith to me over the last several years.  She prays with such sincerity and with a beautifully soft, sweet spirit. If during class she feels that tensions have risen or difficult questions have been posed she stops what she is doing, and asks the Lord for His presence to be in the room.  Almost every day she prays that we might decrease, and He might increase. I have learned how beautiful a humble, submitted spirit is from Ms. Baszanowski. EC has constantly encouraged me to do all things for the glorify of my maker.

The Eastern Christian tagline is “Engaging. Nurturing. Transforming.” How did you experience an education that is engaging, nurturing and transforming at EC?
I have received a fantastic education at Eastern Christian.  In the Humanities program, I have been exposed to some of the greatest literature ever written, and I have been taught to see writing as a reaction to a moment in history.  I have been encouraged to explore big ideas, and not hide from difficult questions knowing that the Lord is the source of every answer. I have honestly felt very at home at Eastern Christian.  I have been sheltered from harm but never from truth. EC has been completely engaging, entirely nurturing, and altogether transforming.

How do you feel that EC prepared you for graduation, college and life? 
EC has prepared me for rest of my life as well as any school could have.  I know many kids, who go to excellent colleges, that say that Humanities is harder than many of their college classes.  I have been pushed academically so that I feel completely prepared for college. I have had exposure to music and theater which I will be pursuing in college and (hopefully) after college.  But most of all I have been exposed to the Lord and to people who love Him. And knowing Him is the ultimate preparation for life.

What would you say to a high school student considering joining Eastern Christian School?
What I would say to a high schooler considering coming to Eastern Christian is simple: do it.  Coming to EC is one of the best decisions that my family and I have ever made.

What opportunities did you experience at EC that you don’t think you would have gotten to experience anywhere else? 
I’ve always loved music, and I knew that I when I started high school I wanted to be in the musicals.  I had an abundance of enthusiasm and some raw skill, but I was lacking any kind of experience. I tried out for Beauty and the Beast my sophomore year and somehow got the part of Belle.  Now, I don’t mention this to brag about myself, but rather to brag about EC— a school where an underdeveloped newcomer can get a lead role in a show just by trying out.  If I had gone to the public school in my town where everyone had been performing in musicals for years and years I might never have even tried out, and I certainly would not have gotten a significant role so early in my high school life.  At EC, teachers and coaches recognize potential even if a student doesn’t have a lot of experience. Since my sophomore year I have been the leads in several more musicals both in school and in New York City. I often look back at that first show and think about all the silly, nervous mistakes I made.  But what always makes very grateful is knowing that I had not had the chance to make those silly, nervous mistakes as a sophomore, I wouldn’t be nearly as confident and comfortable on stage as a senior. Being in the EC musicals has changed what I want to do with the rest of my life. I will be entering a vocal performance/ opera program in college which I hope to use in the musical theater world after graduation.

Had I not gone to EC I would have never found my relationship with God. I would have never realized that everything happens for a reason, that my life has a purpose and a plan.

  • Leslie
  • Senior, Class of 2018


Senior, Class of 2018

What do you love about Eastern Christian School?
I love the people of EC. Just walking through the doors, the feeling is different.  When I tell people outside EC I am friends with my deans and teachers, it’s pretty much unheard of. This place is more than a school, it’s a community that equips you with the tools you need to grow. Barriers are broken, friendships are formed, and most importantly love is shared.

Describe one of your favorite teachers and tell why he/she is a favorite.
Yikes, this is a tough one. Not trying to hurt any feelings here, but I’d have to say my favorite teacher is my Psychology and Personal Financial Literacy teacher, Mrs. Heerema. Not only did her class spark my passion for Psychology, but it ignited my curiosity to understand the world around me. Mrs. Heerema fiercely speaks the truth and uses personal experiences to enhance her lessons. She teaches with the purpose of equipping her students to better the world and succeed for the Lord.  Mrs Heerema goes beyond her call of duty and always helps others around her. She’s even helping to train a service puppy currently, and luckily I get to help train him (he’s the cutest).

In what ways have you grown in your faith as a result of your experience at Eastern Christian School?
When I first came to EC, I felt lost and out-of-place from a spiritual standpoint.  I didn’t understand God, Jesus or the Trinity. It seemed like everyone else had it all figured out. I remember mispronouncing Psalms on my first day of school in front of my whole class. Yup, that’s how they knew I was a public school kid. I was confused about God and one day I decided to take a chance. I asked a question. I asked my geometry teacher, Mrs. Andrews about who God is and confessed I really didn’t understand this whole Jesus thing and I felt more alone than ever. This simple conversation turned into a two hour long discussion about faith, the trinity, and how my life has a purpose. Had I not gone to EC I would have never found my relationship with God. I would have never realized that everything happens for a reason, that my life has a purpose and a plan.

The Eastern Christian tagline is “Engaging. Nurturing. Transforming.” How did you experience an education that is engaging, nurturing and transforming at EC?
As my four years come to an end (14 days left), I have changed for the better. I am engaged by the opportunities our small school has offered me in clubs, programs, and service opportunities. I am nurtured by teachers, counselors, and administrators who are dedicated to my success in all aspects of my life. I have been transformed by my experiences and relationships here at EC.

How do you feel that EC prepared you for graduation, college and life?
In the fall, I will be attending Elon University in North Carolina. I have chosen to major in Psychology where I hope to study consumer insights and how to further understand the mind. I was accepted into a service cohort at my school where like minded individuals complete service projects to better the University environment. Had I not been exposed to the importance of service and working to help others in need, I would’ve never had this opportunity at Elon.

What opportunities did you experience at EC that you don’t think you would have gotten to experience anywhere else?
I mean, where else are you going to have a school wide tug of war in a mud pit? Or, be able to organize and perform in a christmas festival for underprivileged kids? My greatest memories at EC are definitely unique experiences. For instance, I participated in a Robot Fight Night for my Robotics class. A huge crowd with lights and all the elementary schools kids chanted and cheered on our robots.  EC has events and experiences unlike any other school.

At EC, what I appreciated the most was the close relationships I could have with my teachers.

  • Stephanie
  • Senior, Class of 2018


Senior, Class of 2018

At EC, what I appreciated the most was the close relationships I could have with my teachers. I have enjoyed every teacher I have known at EC. In Essay Workshop, for example, Mr. Steen always used creative teaching methods to keep his students engaged and push them to become better writers. For example, we watched the movie Inception and had deep discussion about dream and reality afterwards. We tried different flavors of candies to explore different senses and wrote about the experience later. Mrs. Okma’s Advanced Composition class also challenged me to become a better writer and scholar. All the writing assignments pushed me to reflect more on my life and helped me discover things that I am passionate about. I have also gained a profound understanding on historical events as well as contemporary issues from Mr. Uitermarkt’s classes. Outside of the classroom setting, I also had opportunities to connect with EC faculty. I would stop by Mrs. Lagerveld’s office almost everyday to “report” my day and my feelings because she is like a mom to me. She would smile for my joy, and she would encourage me when I was feeling low. Furthermore, I was able to befriend teachers through school trips to India and the Netherlands. I can go on and on about these examples because EC faculty are all willing to connect with students inside and outside of classroom.

At EC, I also appreciated the chance of being a part of the Humanities program. The program not only allowed me to challenge myself intellectually but also gave me the opportunity to develop close relationships with friends. Sharing the same class with the same group of people everyday, I came to know my Humanities friends on a deeper level. In class, we would passionately engage in debates and conversations. After school, we would help each other with homework and support one another through difficulties.

The Eastern Christian tagline is “Engaging. Nurturing. Transforming.” EC has embraced all of these aspects into its education. My felt my time at EC was engaging because of its diverse classes and extracurricular activities. My experience at EC was nurturing because of the personal care and attention that EC gave to every student. EC teachers would always be there for their students, whether they had academic related questions or life related concerns. EC education was also transforming because it cultivated students’ critical thinking skills inside and outside of a classroom setting. In class, teachers encouraged students to express their opinions and grow as a scholar. Outside of school, EC encouraged students to join mission or academic trips to gain real-life experience. Therefore, I hold deep appreciation towards EC education.

Senior year apologetics helped me understand how to talk to others about my faith and understand the scriptures in a deeper way. I feel that I've also grown in my faith just by being in an environment where I can talk about God freely...

  • Sebastian
  • Senior, Class of 2016


Senior, Class of 2016

What do you love about Eastern Christian School?
I think what I love most about Eastern Christian is the community and atmosphere of the school. Since it’s a smaller school, most people know each other and teachers have great relationships with students. In addition, I like the fact that the school has grown more diverse over the years; it’s cool to have friends from different cultures/backgrounds and I feel that is a part of how EC has been doing well to improve and look for ways to be even better.

Describe one of your favorite teachers.
One of my favorite teachers is Mr. Beverly. His teaching integrates faith into the classroom allows students to have a deeper understanding of history, current events, and the world. I have learned so much in his classes and In addition, he pushes you to think critically and address controversial topics/issues that you may not have before. I have experienced this firsthand in two classes that I have thoroughly enjoyed my senior year, Humanities, and International Relations.

In what ways have you grown in your faith as a result of your experience at Eastern Christian School?
One way I have grown in my faith through Bible class. Senior year apologetics helped me understand how to talk to others about my faith and understand the scriptures in a deeper way. I feel that I’ve also grown in my faith just by being in an environment where I can talk about God freely with others and have engaging conversations or debates about scripture, theology, etc.

The Eastern Christian tagline is “Engaging. Nurturing. Transforming.” How did you experience an education that is engaging, nurturing and transforming at EC?
All the teachers at EC do their best to engage the classroom and use different tools or methods to enable kids to learn better. This can range from implementing socratic seminars, small group work, using technology, inviting a guest speaker, creative assignments, and many more things. The result is that students are nurtured and transformed. I have experienced this firsthand as an EC student, and I feel that the classes that I have taken have appropriately challenged me and will prepare me to have success in my future.

How do you feel that EC prepared you for graduation, college and life?
EC has prepared me for my future by allowing me to have the opportunity to take challenging and enriching classes. Some of these are Humanities, Chem Honors, Physics, Calculus, to name a few.

What would you say to a high school student considering joining Eastern Christian School?
I would tell them to shadow a student for a day because it gives you a good look into what the school is like, and what you can experience.

What opportunities did you experience at EC that you don’t think you would have gotten to experience anywhere else?
I think the block schedule at EC is great and prepares you for how college will be like. This unique schedule in combination with a Christian education provided me with a learning experience that I wouldn’t have anywhere else.

I would encourage the student to join the community that is Eastern Christian School. There is a sense of community that is prevalent in the classrooms, hallways, and courtyard of the school.

  • Rebekah
  • Senior, Class of 2016


Senior, Class of 2016

What do you love about Eastern Christian School?
I love the integration of Christianity into every subject. In the midst of writing papers and taking tests, it is easy to forget my beliefs. However, since God is at the core of every subject, I am reminded and kept on track.

Describe one of your favorite teachers and tell why he/she is a favorite.
Intelligent, wise, and understanding are three of the many admirable qualities Ms. Bazanowksi exudes. Ms. Baz is able to capture my attention in her lessons, and never fails to connect a lesson back to Christ. Her passion for both teaching and for Christ makes her one of my favorite teachers.

In what ways have you grown in your faith as a result of your experience at Eastern Christian School?
As a result of chapel, daily devotions, Bible class, and Little Hours, I have learned that there is a power in community and prayer. Praying for people, and people praying for you, is the backbone of our faith and has helped me grow closer to God.

How do you feel that EC prepared you for graduation, college and life?
I feel well-prepared for graduation, college, and life. The grading system has taught me to be diligent with my work; the Humanities program and honors science and math program has given me the preparation I will need to survive in any college writing seminar, lab, and math class, and thus succeed in my future career.

What would you say to a high school student considering joining Eastern Christian School?
I would encourage the student to join the community that is Eastern Christian School. There is a sense of community that is prevalent in the classrooms, hallways, and courtyard of the school.

What opportunities did you experience at EC that you don’t think you would have gotten to experience anywhere else?
The faith integration, along with teachers who are passionate for Christ, is something I would not have experienced at any other school.

There is no doubt in my mind that God placed me at Eastern Christian High School my junior year for a reason. I had been challenged academically before, but transferring to EC came with new challenges that engaged my mind, nurtured my spirit, and prepared me to transform the world...

  • Hannah
  • Senior, Class of 2016


Senior, Class of 2016

I am a firm believer in the idea that one’s environment makes a huge impact on their character and growth. There is no doubt in my mind that God placed me at Eastern Christian High School my junior year for a reason. I had been challenged academically before, but transferring to EC came with new challenges that engaged my mind, nurtured my spirit, and prepared me to transform the world, just like their motto upholds. Classes not only challenged me academically, they have changed my worldview. Learning about history was not about getting a good grade, but rather made me think about how my life today has been impacted by great men and women who have gone before me. I am encouraged to not be satisfied living an ordinary life, but rather one that will inspire students like me in years to come to take stands for their values, to stay updated on current events, and to live for something bigger than themselves.

Eastern Christian offered me opportunities to share my own unique voice through SOAR, Connection Groups, Choir, and Cross Country and track teams. Through seasonal concerts and talent shows I have been challenged to jump out of my comfort zone and become confident in myself and my abilities. At EC I felt like my individual voice was something of extreme value and was never overshadowed. Through discussion-based classes, I was able to speak my opinion without fear of judgement and I was able to learn to listen with an open mind and a discerning heart. By the example of those in authority at Eastern Christian, I have been encouraged in my faith and have been given the opportunity to go to Guatemala and Lynn, MA on mission trips. Wednesday mornings became one of my favorite parts of every week because Chapel was not only a refreshing break from a challenging week, it also served as a time where I was convicted and also encouraged in my faith.

Academics and extracurricular activities at Eastern Christian have engaged the mind and have nurtured the spirit in me these past two years. As I head off to college, I feel confident, comfortable, and excited to do my part in transforming the world.

Eastern Christian really started me on my walk with God. I feel that my faith has deepened greatly since attending this school and I know I will continue down God’s path for me in the future thanks to EC.

  • James
  • Curry College


Curry College

What do you love about Eastern Christian School?
Eastern Christian has a great environment that really nurtures student learning. From my experience, every teacher is ready to go above and beyond for any student that may be struggling. I also enjoy the close knit community of Eastern Christian and how easy it is to see God’s work being done.

Describe one of your favorite teachers and tell why he/she is a favorite.
My favorite teacher would have to be Mr. Apol. He is not only very knowledgeable about the history that he teaches but he also challenges students to think differently about the world around them. He consistently models his Christian faith and is never afraid to “tell it like it is”.

In what ways have you grown in your faith as a result of your experience at Eastern Christian School?
Eastern Christian really started me on my walk with God. I feel that my faith has deepened greatly since attending this school and I know I will continue down God’s path for me in the future thanks to EC.

The Eastern Christian tagline is “Engaging. Nurturing. Transforming.” How did you experience an education that is engaging, nurturing and transforming at EC?
EC engaged me to think about the world through a Christ centered perspective, nurtured my faith and education, and transformed me to be able to go out into the world with faith and confidence.

How do you feel that EC prepared you for graduation, college and life?
EC teachers have always been honest about what colleges expect from students and have geared our education toward doing the best that we can. Additionally, the people in the college and career office have been extremely helpful in helping myself and other students navigate the process of applying to colleges.

What would you say to a high school student considering joining Eastern Christian School?
I would tell that student that they are fortunate to have found EC because of the great learning environment.

What opportunities did you experience at EC that you don’t think you would have gotten to experience anywhere else?
The close knit and spiritual driven environment I feel is really unique to EC. There isn’t as much of a disconnect between faculty in students that you may find in other schools.

I am also thankful for EC's emphasis on a Christian worldview. I know it sounds cheesy, but in all earnestness, the fact that everything from academics to athletics and music are rooted in a desire to honor God is HUGE. The fact that we began classes, track meets, or musical performances in prayer, that's HUGE. The fact that we could sit in Physics and discuss God's grandeur or learn about the Civil Rights Movement from a Christ-oriented perspective, that's life-forming. At the time, I know I took it for granted. But that constant practice of glorifying God in every endeavor has been incredibly formative during my time in college.

  • Kathryn
  • Class of 2014


Class of 2014

An excerpt shared at the 2016 Alumni Chapel.

Thankfulness has been tough for me these past few weeks. In the aftermath of the election (2016) I have witnessed expressions of extreme intolerance and hate from members of both political parties. I have wept alongside people who feel threatened not necessarily by President-Elect Trump, but by dangerous ideologies that have been exposed and are spreading. And I have been disheartened at the division that threatens to conquer my church community, my school, my friendships, and even my family. But friends, it is times when we are most hopeless, and have the most fear, that we must remember who our God is and be thankful.

So what can I be thankful for? The first thing I’m thankful for is that EC taught me how to think for myself. I was taught that I am not merely the product of the society I was raised in, but have been uniquely designed by God with the ability to decide what I believe. At EC, I was asked about my position on topics like the death penalty, immigration and abortion and why I believed those things. I was asked to articulate my faith and to defend it. And this challenge, to ask WHY and to discern, has been especially important in college. Questions about how to treat the LGBT + community, or about sexual purity, or about how to respond to undocumented migrants are no longer theoretical but real and relevant. And I can thank EC for teaching me to make my own, faith-informed decisions.

I am also thankful for EC’s emphasis on a Christian worldview. I know it sounds cheesy, but in all earnestness, the fact that everything from academics to athletics and music are rooted in a desire to honor God is HUGE. The fact that we began classes, track meets, or musical performances in prayer, that’s HUGE. The fact that we could sit in Physics and discuss God’s grandeur or learn about the Civil Rights Movement from a Christ-oriented perspective, that’s life-forming. At the time, I know I took it for granted. But that constant practice of glorifying God in every endeavor has been incredibly formative during my time in college.

Not that we’re less intentional about faith at my school, but it’s much more your own choice. If you want to discuss faith in Literature class, sometimes you have to be the one to bring it up. If you want to pray before you lead your worship team, that’s on you. I’m incredibly grateful to EC for constantly bringing my heart and mind back to why we do things, and for whom. After all, we serve a great God, don’t we? Think about where you are right now. Maybe the friends you’re sitting next to. The family you get to go home to. The school work you’re dreading but that shapes you and strengthens your mind. We have so much to be grateful for, and a great God to be grateful to. So that’s what I’d like to leave you with this Thanksgiving. Remember who your God is, remember unique mind and countless other gifts he’s given you, and thank Him, no matter the circumstance.

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